October Market Report
MEMPHIS, TN - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Memphis-area home sales for October declined 2.9 percent from a year ago, with 1,054 total sales recorded in the Memphis Area Association of REALTORS® MAARdata property records database. Total sales fell 2.7 percent from September, when there were 1,083 sales. Average sales price year-over-year was down 1.5 percent and year-to-date was also down 1.5 percent at $126,080. YTD total sales declined 10.9 percent. Inventory was down 2.3 percent from the previous month, with 8,053 units listed for sale. YTD sales volume fell 12.3 percent to $1.36 billion.
Corker Introduces Bill to Responsibly Unwind Fannie and Freddie, End Dependence on Government for...
WASHINGTON, DC - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., a member of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, today introduced the Residential Mortgage Market Privatization and Standardization Act to responsibly unwind government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and end dependence on the government for housing finance.
Broker Lucky Luecke simplifies online Tennessee property search with addition of IDX Broker software
EUGENE, OR - November 8, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to welcome Broker Lucky Luecke of Red Realty, LCC to the growing network of real estate professionals using the revolutionary IDX Broker software on their websites. Luecke now hosts a dynamic search page, syncing his website with thousands of RealTracs MLS (RTMLS) listings instantly. The innovative search capabilities Luecke now supports on his website have forever changed the way his clients and other Tennessee home seekers search for properties online.
ALISO VIEJO, CA - October 25, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Aliso Viejo, Calif.-based CT/KDF Community Development Partners, a joint venture between CT Realty Investors and KDF Communities, has provided $9.4 million in New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) financing to develop a new $28.35 million wellness center in Jackson, Tenn. The financing was provided in concert with Wells Fargo Bank, which led a consortium of community development entities including CT/KDF in financing the project.
Knoxville properties synced with dynamic IDX solution on Gables & Gates Realtors website
EUGENE, OR - October 25, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has enabled the revolutionary IDX Broker software on the website of real estate professional Susie Lash, of Gables & Gates Realtors, making thousands of MLS listings properties available for Knoxville, Tennessee home seekers. Potential buyers can now experience an unprecedented level of access to Knoxville MLS (KAARMLS) listings and the IDX-supported tools Lash hosts. With so many unique options, the real estate website of Lash now reflects his dedication to serving her clients and their every real estate need.
New listing notification just one of the many IDX tools advancing online real estate...
EUGENE, OR - October 19, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to welcome Joe Spake of Revid Realty to the growing network of real estate professionals dedicated to serving their clients and their realty needs by creating a helpful and easy-to-use property search online. Among the many features her IDX solution supplies to Spake, he is able to sync his website seamlessly with Memphis MLS (MMLS) listings, in an effort to give his clients a concise place to search through thousands of properties at a time. Never before has such an innovative IDX enabled website been so accessible and simple to use.
Easy-to-use IDX solution revolutionizes Knoxville, Tennessee online property search
EUGENE, OR - September 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Tennessee home search just got easier, thanks to the partnership between IDX, Inc. and Cathy Glass. The transformation of Realty Executives Associates website Glass hosts is possible with the dynamic IDX Broker software she now supports on her search page. Knoxville MLS (KAARMLS) listings are even synced with her website, displaying thousands of properties effortlessly. Now, potential buyers can experience a thorough property search online, without leaving the comfort of their own home or the convenience of the website of Glass.
Kathy Oakes adopts IDX Broker software to sync her real estate website with thousands...
EUGENE, OR - August 26, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest real estate professional who has chosen to integrate an IDX solution onto their website and dynamic search page: Tennessee Realtor Kathy Oakes. As a full time agent, Oakes is continuously demonstrating her professionalism and dedication to serving her clients and their every real estate need. Now, her IDX synced website reflects these mentalities
IDX solution simplifies online real estate search for Memphis area buyers, agents and brokers
EUGENE, OR - August 22, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Memphis, Tennessee area properties are now conveniently displayed on one easy-to-use website, thanks to the partnership between IDX, Inc. and Jeremy Helton. Memphis MLS (MAARMLS) listings are synced seamlessly to the search page enabled by IDX, creating a comprehensive and thorough online database of properties for clients of Helton to search through. The IDX solution customized to fit the functionality his website has allowed Helton to provide his clients and other potential Memphis buyers with unprecedented access to MAARMLS listings, search tools and other IDX hosted features.
Heather Benjamin utilizes IDX Broker software to showcase Nashville homes on her professional website
EUGENE, OR - August 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. and Nashville, Tennessee real estate consultant Heather Benjamin have joined forces to present area home seekers with a comprehensive and detailed real estate website. IDX Broker software has integrated a search page that extracts raw listing data directly from the RealTracs database and seamlessly presents it on Benjamin's website. She can now supply her clients with thousands of Nashville homes instantly, from the convenience and familiarity of her IDX-enabled website