Memphis Jews Offer Incentives to Attract ‘100 New Families’
"Memphis is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered," says one visitor and prospective transplant. Confident that an increasing number of young Jewish families will come to the same realization, the local Orthodox Jewish community is planning its second "Taste of Jewish Memphis" weekend at the end of May, where dozens of families from around the country can learn about and enjoy the attractive lifestyle package that the city has to offer. In addition, local leaders are offering tangible incentives to ease the costs of both the scouting trip and the housing transition.
Guild Mortgage Now Offers THDA Financing
Tennessee Housing Development Agency recently approved Guild Mortgage Company as its newest originating agent for affordable mortgage loans. The new designation will allow Guild Mortgage to begin immediately originating mortgages under the THDA Great Choice loan program.
Governor Haslam, Commissioner Boyd Announce Jackson Kayak to Expand, Open New Facility in White...
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd along with Jackson Kayak officials announced the company will invest $6.5 million to expand their current operations in Tennessee
THDA Promotes Great Choice Mortgage Loans in Dyer County
Tennessee Housing Development Agency brought its Great Choice tour to Dyersburg today in partnership with the Dyersburg Board of REALTORS®. The goal of THDA’s tour is to raise awareness of its mortgage loan programs, and to tell consumers that homeownership might be closer than they imagined.
Governor Haslam, Commissioner Boyd Announce Magneti Marelli to Expand Lighting Division in Giles County
NASHVILLE, TN – April 14, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd along with Magneti Marelli officials...
MAAR: March Market Report
Memphis-area home sales for March increased 5.1 percent from a year ago, with 1,270 total sales recorded in the Memphis Area Association of REALTORS® MAARdata property records database.
Cohen Helps Launch $3 Million Foote Homes Pilot Program to Employ Memphians
Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today joined Mayor A C Wharton and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development General Deputy Assistant Secretary Jemine Bryon to announce a $3 million federal grant that will fund a pilot program to enroll nearly 300 Memphians at Foote Homes in job training and other programs, ultimately placing at least 60 of them in good-paying jobs in Shelby County.
Governor Haslam, Commissioner Boyd Announce Hicks Plastics to Open New Manufacturing Facility in Knox...
NASHVILLE, TN – March 31, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd along with Hicks Plastics...
House Advances Fincher Bill to Protect Affordable Housing
Congressman Stephen Fincher (TN-08) released the following statement after the House Financial Services Committee passed the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act of 2015 (H.R. 650), important legislation to protect affordable housing:
February Market Report
Memphis-area home sales for February decreased 5.5 percent from a year ago, with 934 total sales recorded in the Memphis Area Association of REALTORS® MAARdata property records database. Sales declined 9.6 percent from January, when there were 1,033 total sales. Average sales price from February-to-February was up 16.2 percent at $147,557.